
About  The Promoters


Mr. Rajgopal Gilada

Founder and Managing Director


Mr. Rajgopal Gilada is the Founder and Managing Director of the GFIL, an engineering graduate in Industrial Management Engineering, and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management.

His vision is to have accelerated growth for the group and to be a leader in the industry. Mr. Rajgopal Gilada is a big name in industry with:

  • Having over 38 years of extensive experience across various industries.
  • His  business acumen driving Gilada Group to the greater heights.

He has been a key architect in shaping the Gilada Group’s strategic direction. Under his leadership, the GILADA Group has successfully diversified into the Power & Renewable Energy sector, refractories sector which are now one of its most promising and rapidly growing business arms.

His vision focuses on achieving accelerated growth for the group and establishing it as an industry leader.

In addition to his professional achievements, he has served as the President of the Gulbarga Investors Association and was previously the Secretary of the Lions Club of Gulbarga.

His vision is to have accelerated growth for the group and to be a leader in the industry.


Mr. Sampathkumar Gilada

Founder and Director

Mr. Sampathkumar Gilada is the Founder and Director of the GFIL. He holds an engineering degree in Electrical and Electronics, bringing with him extensive experience across various industries.

Under his guidance, this facility has set new industry benchmarks for quality and innovation, further solidifying the Gita Group’s reputation as a leader in the sector. Mr. Sampathkumar Gilada is a visionary leader with:

  • Having the rich experience of 33 years making significant contributions to industry.
  • Handling the strength and diversity of business venture.

He oversees many of the group companies and independently manages key business units, including steel wire and steel castings, renewable energy sector, refractories and many more

In addition to his professional endeavors, Mr. Sampathkumar Gilada has been an influential figure in the community, having served as the President of the Rotary Club in Gulbarga. He remains actively involved with various trade and social organizations. A passionate sportsman, he has made Lawn Tennis a significant part of his life, representing his club in numerous national and international events.

Mr. Sampathkumar Gilada continues to drive the company toward new heights, ensuring sustainable growth and lasting success for future generations.

Committees of the Board

The Board has constituted various committees to support the Board in discharging its responsibilities. There are four committees constituted by the Board – Audit Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Risk Management Committee.

Audit Committee

The Company has an independent Audit Committee constituted in terms of Regulation 18 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Composition of Audit Committee:
1. Dodballapur Narasihmamurthy Gopal – Non-Executive Independent Director
2. K. V. Prabhakar – Non-Executive Independent Director
3. Sampath Kumar Gilada – Director

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The role of the committee is to determine the company’s policy on specific remuneration packages for executive directors including periodic increments in salary.

The committee further considers and recommends persons who are qualified for board positions, evaluate directors performance prior to recommendation for re-appointments, persons who are qualified to be in senior management, formulate the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a director and devising a policy on board diversity.

Composition of Nomination and Remuneration Committee:

  1. Dodballapur Narasihmamurthy Gopal – Non-Executive Independent Director
  2. K. V. Prabhakar – Non-Executive Independent Director
  3. Rajgopal Gilada – Managing Director
  4. Mrs. Bindu Rajgopal Gilada – Non Executive Director

Stakeholders Relationship Committee

In compliance with the provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 20 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Shareholders and Investors Grievance Committee of the Company was renamed as the “Stakeholders Relationship Committee”.

Composition of Stakeholders Relationship Committee:

  1. Mr. K. V. Prabhakar – Non-Executive Independent Director
  2. Mr. Dodballapur Narasihmamurthy Gopal – Non-Executive Independent Director
  3. Mrs. Bindu Rajgopal Gilada – Non-Executive Promoter Director

Risk Management Committee

The role of the committee includes review of the risk management policy developed by the management, review of the annual risk management framework document and implementation of the actions planned in and periodical review of the process for systematic identification and assessment of the business risks.

Composition of Risk Management Committee:

  1. Rajgopal Gilada – Managing Director
  2. K. V. Prabhakar – Non-Executive Independent Director
  3. Sampath Kumar Gilada – Director


Smt. Sangeeta Gilada age 57 years, B.Com Graduate, has 22 years rich experience in field of financial activities. Presently CEO of GFIL and also is partner/ Director in various Group companies. She was also the president of Inner wheel Rotary Club of Gulbarga (North).


Smt. Pallavi Gilada age 32 years, Engineer in Computer Science, has 7 years rich experience in field of financial activities, Presently CFO for GFIL and also is Director in Group companies.


Mrs. Mohita Agrawal

Board of Directors

 Full Name                                                                               Designation

Mr. Rajgopal Shankarlal Gilada                                          Managing Director

Mrs. Bindu Rajagopal Gilada                                                Women Director

Mr. Sampatkumar Shankarlal Gilada                              Director

Mr.  Prabhakar Venkobarao Kotakote                           Independent Director

Mr.  Dodballapur Narasimhamurthy Gopal                Independent Director